Even before Covid_19 came along, mothers were feeling the strain of having to be all things to all people; pushing their own needs continually to the bottom of the pile, leading to frustration and lack of connection to who they are and what they want. Thanks to the pandemic, the pressure on mothers has increased even more. Many are having to wear multiple hats every day, juggling jobs, childcare, homeschooling and everyday chores. It's hardly surprising that their well-being and long-term goals and aspirations hardly get a look in. And, as the pandemic rolls into another year, it's also not surprising that many mothers are feeling at best despondent and at worst despairing, wondering when this will all end and they will find a way back to themselves again.
Something I've found critical in helping me to navigate these testing times with my mental health (largely) still intact has been connecting with other mothers. Granted, Zoom fatigue is setting in for most of us (as a friend said recently, after a day of working remotely alongside schooling her sons remotely, she rarely relishes the prospect of spending the evening online, even if it is to speak to her best friends), but sharing experiences with others going through the same thing can be a huge comfort in times of challenge and distress.
With this in mind, I have decided to run a free online session on Saturday 20th February at 10am GMT, where mothers can come together and share the challenges of motherhood, both generally and since the start of the pandemic. I will invite attendees to set goals and explore - using evidence-based coaching tools and techniques - how they can defy their circumstances to achieve them.
If this is something that speaks to you, grab your free ticket here. And hurry, because spaces are very limited!

Photo by averie woodard on Unsplash